1. Add Shortcut Menu (shortcut)
Generally the standard on Excel Shotcut menus at the top are: Save, Undo Typing and Repeat TypingHowever, sometimes we need another shortcut, so we add it in a way
Right-click the shortcut, add as desired. Usually what we need is Print Preview and Print, and New and Open.
2 Check the formula / formula that we entered
Often we forget what formulas or formulas we have entered in our excel sheets, to check it we can use SHOW FORMULA. It is on the FORMULAS menu - FORMULA AUDITING - SHOW FORMULAS3. Change Text
In Microsoft Word we can change the word case with CHANGE CASE on the HOME menu, but in Excel we change it with the UPPER and LOWER and PROPER functions.4. Change the column into rows and rows into columns with Transpose
Forgot to make a table where the column should be already in line, changing it manually takes a lot of time. The easy way to use Transpose is located on HOME-PASTE-TRANSPOSE
The way to highlight the part you want to change, click COPY and place the cursor on the cell you want to place, PASTE-TRANSPOSE
5. Enter the unit of money value
Highlight the value given by clicking HOME - NUMBER FORMAT - ACCOUNTING
Or you can choose another unit by clicking HOME - NUMBER - FORMAT CELLS NUMBER - ACCOUNTING
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